[ 2015-02, Cologne ]
DK: We should use the new std::invoke.
TK: Is this a defect?
AM: std::invoke goes into C++17, and this is a defect against a TS based on C++14. We can change this later,
but now leave it as INVOKE.
GR: The TS lets you have Editor's Notes, so leave a note to make that change for C++17.
GR: I can't see how we can assume this is part of the design. I cannot believe it was ever intended for this
design to exclude function pointers.
AM: I can give you the exact evolution: We had "apply" as an example explaining the usefulness of index_sequence.
Then someone looked at it and said, "why isn't this in the Standard". NJ to VV: Why are you against useful steps?
We are trying to converge on a consistent standard across multiple documents. The alternative is to reopen this
in a later discussion.
VV: All I said is that this is not defect, whether or not people like it.
AM: So you'd be fine with the issue, but not as a DR?
Straw poll: Who's happy to make this tentatively ready as a DR against the Fundamentals TS?
Lots of agreement, no opposition, 3 neutrals