ID Activity Section Status Title
4167 yesterday [alg.min.max] new Use of "smaller" and "larger" in min, max, and minmax is unclear
4166 2 days ago [range.concat.view] new `concat_view::end()` should be more constrained in order to support noncopyable iterators
4165 1 week ago [concept.swappable][utility.swap][array.members] new Should swapping a built-in array or `std::array` with itself result in UB?
4154 1 week ago [futures.task.members] ready The Mandates for std::packaged_task's constructor from a callable entity should consider decaying
4014 1 week ago [rand.eng.sub] ready LWG 3809 changes behavior of some existing std::subtract_with_carry_engine code
4085 1 week ago [alg.rand.generate] ready ranges::generate_random's helper lambda should specify the return type
4164 1 week ago [forward.list.modifiers] ready Missing guarantees for `forward_list` modifiers
4162 1 week ago [alg.nth.element] new Worst time complexity of non-parallel versions of nth_element is underspecified
4159 1 week ago [container.node][allocator.uses.trait] new Uses-allocator construction mechanisms should be opted out for node handles
2136 2 weeks ago [structure] open Postconditions vs. exceptions
2137 2 weeks ago [re.regex.assign] open Misleadingly constrained post-condition in the presence of exceptions
2546 2 weeks ago [re.grammar] new Implementability of locale-sensitive UnicodeEscapeSequence matching
3126 2 weeks ago [re.submatch] new There's no std::sub_match::compare(string_view) overload
2220 2 weeks ago [re.tokiter.comp] open Under-specification of operator== for regex_token_iterator
4160 2 weeks ago [futures.task.general] new packaged_task should reject rvalue reference return types
4088 2 weeks ago [ostream.formatted.print] ready println ignores the locale imbued in std::ostream
4158 2 weeks ago [futures.task.members] new packaged_task::operator= should abandon its shared state
4130 2 weeks ago [ptr.launder] new Preconditions for std::launder might be overly strict
4132 2 weeks ago [associative.reqmts.general][list.ops] [forward.list.ops] new Throws specifications need to include boolean-testable operations
4145 2 weeks ago [] new Unclear how [] apply to templated functions
4155 2 weeks ago [nullablepointer.requirements] new Cpp17NullablePointer should require that some expression can be contextually converted to bool
4157 2 weeks ago [cmp.alg] ready The resolution of LWG3465 was damaged by P2167R3
4153 2 weeks ago [rand.eng.philox] ready Fix extra "-1" for philox_engine::max()
3210 2 weeks ago [util.smartptr.shared.create] new allocate_shared is inconsistent about removing const from the pointer passed to allocator construct and destroy
3216 2 weeks ago [util.smartptr.shared.create] ready Rebinding the allocator before calling construct/destroy in allocate_shared
3891 2 weeks ago [expected.object.general] new LWG 3870 breaks std::expected<cv T, E>
4015 2 weeks ago [optional.monadic] open LWG 3973 broke const overloads of std::optional monadic operations
4161 3 weeks ago [complex.numbers] new Some free functions don't automatically work for program-defined std::complex<NonFloatingPoint>
4163 3 weeks ago [facet.num.get.virtuals] new Can the overload of std::num_get::do_get for bool call the overload for long?
3003 1 month ago [futures.promise] lewg <future> still has type-erased allocators in promise
3503 1 month ago [time.duration.cast] new chrono::ceil has surprising requirement
4084 1 month ago [facet.num.put.virtuals] ready std::fixed ignores std::uppercase
4143 1 month ago [exec.set.value][exec.set.error] [exec.set.stopped][exec.opstate.start] new execution::set_value/set_error/set_stopped/start should always return void
4151 1 month ago [inplace.vector.modifiers] new Precondition of inplace_vector::swap
4147 1 month ago [sequence.reqmts] ready Precondition on inplace_vector::emplace
4140 1 month ago [template.bitset.general] [vector.bool.pspc] ready Useless default constructors for bit reference types
4142 1 month ago [format.parse.ctx] ready format_parse_context::check_dynamic_spec should require at least one type
4148 1 month ago [unique.ptr.single.observers] ready unique_ptr::operator* should not allow dangling references
4141 1 month ago [optional.optional.general] [variant.variant.general] [expected.object.general] [expected.void.general] ready Improve prohibitions on "additional storage"
3886 1 month ago [optional.optional.general][expected.object.general] ready Monad mo' problems
4156 1 month ago [syserr.errcat.virtuals] new error_category messages have unspecified encoding
4057 1 month ago [coro.generator.iterator] new generator::iterator's operator* is not noexcept when it can be
4152 1 month ago [char.traits.require] new The primary template of std::char_traits is totally underspecified
4150 1 month ago [] new The preconditions on run_loop::run() are too strict
4149 1 month ago [macro.names] new User defined macros without standard headers (294 redux)
4146 1 month ago [format.formatter.spec][container.adaptors.format] new ยง[format.formatter.spec]/3 unconditionally enables nonlocking for container adaptors
4144 1 month ago [unique.ptr.single.general] new Disallow unique_ptr<T&, D>
2939 2 months ago [meta.type.synop] open Some type-completeness constraints of traits are overspecified
3099 2 months ago [meta.type.synop] open is_assignable<Incomplete&, Incomplete&>
4131 2 months ago [iterator.range] new Including <optional> doesn't provide std::begin/end

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