ID Activity Section Status Title
4124 8 hours ago [time.format] new Cannot format `zoned_time` with resolution coarser than seconds
3084 yesterday [support.start.term][exception.terminate] new Termination in C++ is unclear
4123 2 days ago [deque.modifiers] [vector.modifiers] [inplace.vector.modifiers] new Container effects use "the assignment operator or move assignment operator"
3688 2 days ago [expected.bad][expected.bad.void] [expected.object.obs][expected.void.obs] new Exception specifications of copy/move member functions of std::bad_expected_access
4121 3 days ago [range.utility.conv.general] new ranges::to constructs associative containers via c.emplace(c.end(), *it)
4122 5 days ago [inplace.vector.overview] new Ill-formed operator<=> can cause hard error when instantiating std::inplace_vector
4120 5 days ago [move.iterator] new move_iterator should provide iterator_category only when it models forward_iterator
4119 5 days ago [coro.generator.promise] new generator::promise_type::yield_value(ranges::elements_of<R, Alloc>)'s nested generator may be ill-formed
4092 5 days ago [common.iterator][common.iter.cmp] new The monotonic version of common_iterator::operator== is underconstrained
3832 5 days ago [range.elements.iterator] new Missing change for element_view::iterator in LWG 3798
4118 2 weeks ago [time.format] new How should `duration` formatters format custom `rep` types?
4117 2 weeks ago [coro.generator.iterator] new generator::iterator should provide iterator_concept
4116 2 weeks ago [range.enumerate.iterator][range.cartesian.iterator] new enumerate_view::iterator and cartesian_product_view::iterator should not always provide iterator_category
4115 2 weeks ago [move.iter.elem] new move_iterator::operator* should have conditional noexcept specification
4114 2 weeks ago [range.elements.iterator] new elements_view::iterator::operator* missing conditional noexcept specification
3900 4 weeks ago [coro.generator.promise] ready The allocator_arg_t overloads of generator::promise_type::operator new should not be constrained
3899 4 weeks ago [coro.generator.promise] ready co_yielding elements of an lvalue generator is unnecessarily inefficient
4064 4 weeks ago [cstring.syn] ready Clarify that std::launder is not needed when using the result of std::memcpy
3868 4 weeks ago [alg.replace][alg.fill] lewg Constrained algorithms should not require output_iterator
4019 4 weeks ago [range.reverse] open Reversing an infinite range leads to an infinite loop
4027 4 weeks ago [ranges.syn] ready possibly-const-range should prefer returning const R&
3508 4 weeks ago [atomics.ref.generic.general] open atomic_ref<cv T> is not well-specified
4069 4 weeks ago [atomics.types.generic] open std::atomic<volatile T> should be ill-formed
3918 1 month ago [uninitialized.move] ready std::uninitialized_move/_n and guaranteed copy elision
4113 1 month ago [meta.unary.prop] new Disallow has_unique_object_representations<Incomplete[]>
4015 1 month ago [optional.monadic] open LWG 3973 broke const overloads of std::optional monadic operations
4044 1 month ago [] ready Confusing requirements for std::print on POSIX platforms
3436 1 month ago [specialized.construct] ready std::construct_at should support arrays
4017 1 month ago [range.split.iterator][range.lazy.split.outer] new Behavior of std::views::split on an empty range
4112 1 month ago [range.utility.helpers] ready has-arrow should required operator->() to be const-qualified
4111 1 month ago [][alg.sorting.general] new LWG 270 and ranges version of binary search algorithms
2833 1 month ago [variant.ctor] open Library needs to specify what it means when it declares a function constexpr
4057 1 month ago [coro.generator.iterator] new generator::iterator's operator* is not noexcept when it can be
4067 1 month ago [] new Inconsistency and potential infinity meta-recursion in std::chrono::zoned_time's constructors
4005 1 month ago [defns.required.behavior][structure.specifications][res.on.functions] new "Required behavior" too narrowly defined
4059 1 month ago [range.join.with.iterator] new Leaky abstraction in join_with_view's iterator
4072 1 month ago [optional.comp.with.t] new `std::optional` comparisons: constrain harder
4073 1 month ago [range.concat.view] new `concat_view::size` may overflow
4075 1 month ago [utility.requirements] open Thread stability requirement on constructors and destructors
4080 1 month ago [iterator.assoc.types] new Presumed value and difference types of an iterator type in ranges and non-ranges algorithms
4089 1 month ago [range.concat.iterator] new concat_view::iterator's iter_swap is overconstrained
4091 1 month ago [range.concat.view] new concat_view rejects non-movable references
4093 1 month ago [alg.fold] new ranges::fold_left_first_with_iter incorrectly constructs optional<U>
4094 1 month ago [alg.fold] new ranges::fold_meow is overconstrained
4097 1 month ago [range.reverse.overview] lewg views::reverse should be specialized for some view types
4099 1 month ago [][range.common.overview] new The simple case of views::as_rvalue and views::common are not strictly correct
4103 1 month ago [alg.unique] new ranges::unique_copy's constraints for the case where result is an input_iterator are not quite right
4104 1 month ago [const.iterators] new basic_const_iterator<volatile int*> is not a contiguous_iterator
3725 1 month ago [reverse.iter.elem] new reverse_iterator::operator-> should not use prev for non-pointer iterators
3504 1 month ago [thread.condition.condvar] new condition_variable::wait_for is overspecified

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