Default construction and value-initialization
Alberto Ganesh Barbati

Created on 2008-07-22.00:00:00 last changed 147 months ago


Date: 2013-01-25.00:32:43

Proposed resolution:

Change [utility.arg.requirements] para 2:

2 In general, a default constructor is not required. Certain container class member function signatures specify the default constructorT() as a default argument. T() shall be a well-defined expression (8.5) if one of those signatures is called using the default argument (8.3.6).

Change [deque.cons] para 3:

3 Effects: Constructs a deque with n default constructedvalue-initialized elements.

Change [deque.capacity] para 1:

1 Effects: If sz < size(), equivalent to erase(begin() + sz, end());. If size() < sz, appends sz - size() default constructedvalue-initialized elements to the sequence.

Change [forwardlist.cons] para 3:

3 Effects: Constructs a forward_list object with n default constructedvalue-initialized elements.

Change [forwardlist.modifiers] para 22:

22 Effects: [...] For the first signature the inserted elements are default constructedvalue-initialized, and for the second signature they are copies of c.

Change [list.cons] para 3:

3 Effects: Constructs a list with n default constructedvalue-initialized elements.

Change [list.capacity] para 1:

1 Effects: If sz < size(), equivalent to list<T>::iterator it = begin(); advance(it, sz); erase(it, end());. If size() < sz, appends sz - size() default constructedvalue-initialized elements to the sequence.

Change [vector.cons] para 3:

3 Effects: Constructs a vector with n default constructedvalue-initialized elements.

Change [vector.capacity] para 9:

9 Effects: If sz < size(), equivalent to erase(begin() + sz, end());. If size() < sz, appends sz - size() default constructedvalue-initialized elements to the sequence.

Date: 2013-01-25.00:32:43

[ Adopted at 2010-11 Batavia ]

Date: 2013-01-25.00:32:43

[ 2010 Rapperswil: ]

Move to Ready.

Date: 2010-03-26.00:00:00

[ 2010-03-26 Daniel harmonized the wording with the upcoming FCD. ]

Date: 2013-01-25.00:32:43

[ 2010 Pittsburgh: ]

Moved to review in order to enable conflict resolution with 704.

Date: 2013-01-25.00:32:43

[ 2009-10 Santa Cruz: ]

Move to Ready.

Date: 2009-08-18.00:00:00

[ 2009-08-18 Alisdair adds: ]

I strongly believe the term "default constructed" should not appear in the library clauses unless we very clearly define a meaning for it, and I am not sure what that would be.

In those cases where we do not want to replace "default constructed" with "vale initialized" we should be using "default initialized". If we have a term that could mean either, we reduce portability of programs.

I have not done an exhaustive review to clarify if that is a vendor freedom we have reason to support (e.g. value-init in debug, default-init in release) so I may yet be convinced that LWG has reason to define this new term of art, but generally C++ initialization is confusing enough without supporting further ill-defined terms.

Date: 2009-08-18.00:00:00

[ 2009-08-18 Daniel adds: ]

I have no objections against the currently suggested changes, but I also cross-checked with the list regarding intentionally excluded changes, and from this I miss the discussion of

  1. [string.require] p. 2:

    "[..] The Allocator object used shall be a copy of the Allocator> object passed to the basic_string object's constructor or, if the constructor does not take an Allocator argument, a copy of a default-constructed Allocator object."

  2. N2723, [rand.req.eng], Table 109, expression "T()":

    Pre-/post-condition: "Creates an engine with the same initial state as all other default-constructed engines of type X."

    as well as in [rand.predef]/1-9 (N2914), [rand.util.seedseq]/3, [istream.cons]/3, [ostream.cons]/9 (N2914), [re.grammar]/2, [thread.thread.assign]/1 (N2914),

    Candidates for the "the expression "default constructed" need not be changed" list

    I'm fine, if these would be added to the intentionally exclusion list, but mentioning them makes it easier for other potential reviewers to decide on the relevance or not-relevance of them for this issue.

  3. I suggest to remove the reference of [func.referenceclosure.invoke] in the "it's not clear" list, because this component does no longer exist.

  4. I also suggest to add a short comment that all paragraphs in the resolution whether they refer to N2723 or to N2914 numbering, because e.g. "Change [deque.cons] para 5" is an N2723 coordinate, while "Change [deque.capacity] para 1" is an N2914 coordinate. Even better would be to use one default document for the numbering (probably N2914) and mention special cases (e.g. "Change [utility.arg.requirements] para 2" as referring to N2723 numbering).

Date: 2009-07-18.00:00:00

[ 2009-07-18 Ganesh updated the proposed wording. ]

Howard: Moved back to Review. Note that [utility.arg.requirements] refers to a section that is not in the current working paper, but does refer to a section that we expect to reappear after the de-concepts merge. This was a point of confusion we did not recognize when we reviewed this issue in Frankfurt.

Howard: Ganesh also includes a survey of places in the WP surveyed for changes of this nature and purposefully not treated:

Places where changes are not being proposed

In the following paragraphs, we are not proposing changes because it's not clear whether we actually prefer value-initialization over default-initialization (now partially covered by 1012):

  • [unique.ptr.single.ctor] para 3 e 7

  • [reverse.iter.cons] para 1

  • [move.iter.op.const] para 1

In the following paragraphs, the expression "default constructed" need not be changed, because the relevant type does not depend on a template parameter and has a user-provided constructor:

  • [func.referenceclosure.invoke] para 12, type: reference_closure

  • [thread.thread.constr] para 30, type: thread

  • [thread.thread.member] para 52, type: thread_id

  • [thread.thread.this], para 1, type: thread_id

Date: 2013-01-25.00:32:43

[ 2009-07 Frankfurt ]

The proposed resolution is incomplete.

Move to Tentatively NAD Future. Howard will contact Ganesh for wording. If wording is forthcoming, Howard will move it back to Review.

Date: 2013-01-25.00:32:43

[ San Francisco: ]

The list provided in the proposed resolution is not complete. James Dennett will review the library and provide a complete list and will double-check the vocabulary.

This issue relates to Issue 886 tuple construction

Date: 2008-07-22.00:00:00

The term "default constructed" is often used in wording that predates the introduction of the concept of value-initialization. In a few such places the concept of value-initialization is more correct than the current wording (for example when the type involved can be a built-in) so a replacement is in order. Two of such places are already covered by issue 867. This issue deliberately addresses the hopefully non-controversial changes in the attempt of being approved more quickly. A few other occurrences (for example in std::tuple, std::reverse_iterator and std::move_iterator) are left to separate issues. For std::reverse_iterator, see also issue 408. This issue is related with issue 724.

Date User Action Args
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2008-07-22 00:00:00admincreate