§[time.zone.db] the specification uses the undefined term "thread-safe"
S. B. Tam

Created on 2025-01-16.00:00:00 last changed 3 days ago


Date: 2025-02-15.00:00:00

[ 2025-02-07; Reflector poll ]

Set priority to 3 after reflector poll.

"We're missing a guarantee that `reload_tzdb()` strongly happens before a call to `get_tzdb_list().front()` that retrieves a newly added element. Otherwise accessing any `time_zone` obtained from `get_tzdb_list().front()` could race with the call to `reload_tzdb()` that writes the front of the list."

Date: 2025-01-16.00:00:00

N5001 [time.zone.db.list] p3:

Synchronization: This operation is thread-safe with respect to `reload_tzdb()`.

N5001 [time.zone.db.access] p2:

Synchronization: It is safe to call this function from multiple threads at one time.

N5001 [time.zone.db.remote] p3:

Synchronization: This function is thread-safe with respect to `get_tzdb_list().front()` and `get_tzdb_list().erase_after()`.

The standard does not define what "thread-safe" means, which makes the meaning of these sentences unclear. Does it mean that "concurrent calls do not introduce data races", or does it additionally require a single total order on these operations? In either case, it should be specified clearly.

Date User Action Args
2025-02-07 16:57:42adminsetmessages: + msg14586
2025-01-16 00:00:00admincreate