Clarify lifetime requirements of BasicFormatter and Formatter
Mark de Wever

Created on 2023-06-01.00:00:00 last changed 19 months ago


Date: 2023-06-08.20:31:48

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4950.

  1. Modify BasicFormatter requirements [tab:formatter.basic] as indicated:

    Table 73: BasicFormatter requirements [tab:formatter.basic]
    Expression Return type Requirement
    f.format(u, fc) FC::iterator Formats u according to the specifiers stored in
    *this, writes the output to fc.out(), and returns
    an iterator past the end of the output range.
    The output shall only depend on u, fc.locale(),
    fc.arg(n) for any value n of type size_t, and
    the elements in the parsed range of [pc.begin(), pc.end())
    from the last call to f.parse(pc).

    [Note ?: Using elements in the parsed range of [pc.begin(),
    allows the formatter to store references, pointers, or
    iterators to elements in the parsed range. For example,
    formatter<chrono::day> might store the parsed chrono-specs
    ([time.format]) in a basic_string_view. — end note]

  2. Modify Formatter requirements [tab:formatter] as indicated:

    Table 74: Formatter requirements [tab:formatter]
    Expression Return type Requirement
    f.format(t, fc) FC::iterator Formats t according to the specifiers stored in
    *this, writes the output to fc.out(), and returns
    an iterator past the end of the output range.
    The output shall only depend on t, fc.locale(),
    fc.arg(n) for any value n of type size_t, and
    the elements in the parsed range of [pc.begin(), pc.end())
    from the last call to f.parse(pc).

    [Note ?: Using elements in the parsed range of [pc.begin(),
    allows the formatter to store references, pointers, or
    iterators to elements in the parsed range. For example,
    formatter<chrono::day> might store the parsed chrono-specs
    ([time.format]) in a basic_string_view. — end note]

Date: 2023-06-15.00:00:00

[ 2023-06-08; Reflector poll ]

Set priority to 3 after reflector poll.

The proposed resolution is missing a guarantee that the parsed portion of the range is unchanged between the calls to parse and format. It must remain valid and unchanged.

Date: 2023-06-01.00:00:00

A bug has been filed against libc++'s format implementation. The question arose whether the parsed chrono-specs should still be available during executing the formatter's format member function. Libc++'s implementation requires this MSVC STL's implementation does not.

It turns out there is a lifetime a requirement in the Standard, but it would be good to clarify the intention of the wording. Prosed a small wording improvement and a note to clarify the intention.

Currently the format function may use elements in the range [pc.begin(), pc.end()) that have not been parsed. This does not seem to be in the spirit of the formatting library. The wording change proposes to restrict this range to the parsed range.

Date User Action Args
2023-06-08 20:31:48adminsetmessages: + msg13616
2023-06-03 13:25:08adminsetmessages: + msg13614
2023-06-01 00:00:00admincreate