Problems with counted_iterator/move_iterator::base() const &
Patrick Palka

Created on 2020-02-07.00:00:00 last changed 15 months ago


Date: 2021-02-26.17:31:29

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4849.

  1. Modify [move.iterator], class template move_iterator synopsis, as indicated:

    namespace std {
      template<class Iterator>
      class move_iterator {
        using iterator_type = Iterator;
        constexpr const iterator_type& base() const &;
        constexpr iterator_type base() &&;
  2. Modify [move.iter.op.conv] as indicated:

    constexpr const Iterator& base() const &;

    -1- Constraints: Iterator satisfies copy_constructible.

    -2- Preconditions: Iterator models copy_constructible.

    -3- Returns: current.

  3. Modify [counted.iterator], class template counted_iterator synopsis, as indicated:

    namespace std {
      template<input_or_output_iterator I>
      class counted_iterator {
        using iterator_type = I;
        constexpr const I& base() const & requires copy_constructible<I>;
        constexpr I base() &&;
  4. Modify [counted.iter.access] as indicated:

    constexpr const I& base() const & requires copy_constructible<I>;

    -1- Effects: Equivalent to: return current;

Date: 2021-02-26.00:00:00

[ 2021-02-26 Approved at February 2021 virtual plenary. Status changed: Tentatively Ready → WP. ]

Date: 2021-01-15.00:00:00

[ 2021-01-28; Reflector poll ]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after five votes in favour during reflector poll.

Date: 2020-02-10.19:13:13

[ 2020-02 Prioritized as P2 Monday morning in Prague ]

Date: 2020-02-07.00:00:00

It is not possible to use the const & overloads of counted_iterator::base() or move_iterator::base() to get at an underlying move-only iterator in order to compare it against a sentinel.

More concretely, assuming issue LWG 3389 is fixed, this means that

auto v = r | views::take(5);
ranges::begin(v) == ranges::end(v);

is invalid when r is a view whose begin() is a move-only input iterator. The code is invalid because ranges::take_view::sentinel::operator==() must call counted_iterator::base() to compare the underlying iterator against its sentinel, and therefore this operator==() requires that the underlying iterator is copy_constructible.

Suggested resolution:

Make these const & base() overloads return the underlying iterator by const reference. Remove the copy_constructible constraint on these overloads. Perhaps the base() overloads for the iterator wrappers in [range.adaptors] could use the same treatment?

Date User Action Args
2023-11-22 15:47:43adminsetstatus: wp -> c++23
2021-02-26 17:31:29adminsetmessages: + msg11699
2021-02-26 17:31:29adminsetstatus: ready -> wp
2021-01-28 10:06:14adminsetmessages: + msg11664
2021-01-28 10:06:14adminsetstatus: new -> ready
2020-02-10 19:13:13adminsetmessages: + msg11026
2020-02-08 15:24:46adminsetmessages: + msg11000
2020-02-07 00:00:00admincreate