Created on 2019-09-11.00:00:00 last changed 46 months ago
Proposed resolution:
This wording is relative to N4849.
Modify [iterator.traits] as indicated:
-4- Explicit or partial specializations of iterator_traits may have a member type iterator_concept that is used to indicate conformance to the iterator concepts ([iterator.concepts]). [Example: To indicate conformance to the input_iterator concept but a lack of conformance to the Cpp17InputIterator requirements ([input.iterators]), an iterator_traits specialization might have iterator_concept denote input_iterator_tag and iterator_category denote output_iterator_tag. — end example]
Modify [common.iter.types] as indicated:
-1- The nested typedef-names of the specialization of iterator_traits for common_iterator<I, S> are defined as follows.
(1.1) — iterator_concept denotes forward_iterator_tag if I models forward_iterator; otherwise it denotes input_iterator_tag.
(1.2) — iterator_category denotes forward_iterator_tag if iterator_traits<I>::iterator_category models derived_from<forward_iterator_tag>; otherwise it denotes
input_iterator_tagiterator_traits<I>::iterator_category.(1.3) — If the expression a.operator->() is well-formed, where a is an lvalue of type const common_iterator<I, S>, then pointer denotes the type of that expression. Otherwise, pointer denotes void.
Modify [range.filter.iterator] as indicated:
-3- iterator::iterator_category is defined as follows:
(3.1) — Let C denote the type iterator_traits<iterator_t<V>>::iterator_category.
(3.2) — If C models derived_from<bidirectional_iterator_tag>, then iterator_category denotes bidirectional_iterator_tag.
(3.3) — Otherwise, if C models derived_from<forward_iterator_tag>, then iterator_category denotes forward_iterator_tag.(3.4) — Otherwise, iterator_category denotes C.
Modify [range.join.iterator] as indicated:
-2- iterator::iterator_category is defined as follows:
(2.1) — Let OUTERC denote iterator_traits<iterator_t<Base>>::iterator_category, and let INNERC denote iterator_traits<iterator_t<range_reference_t<Base>>>::iterator_category.
(2.?) — If OUTERC does not model derived_from<input_iterator_tag>, iterator_category denotes OUTERC.
(2.?) — Otherwise, if INNERC does not model derived_from<input_iterator_tag>, iterator_category denotes INNERC.
(2.2) — Otherwise, i
If ref-is-glvalue is true and OUTERC and INNERC each model derived_from<bidirectional_iterator_tag>, iterator_category denotes bidirectional_iterator_tag.(2.3) — Otherwise, if ref-is-glvalue is true and OUTERC and INNERC each model derived_from<forward_iterator_tag>, iterator_category denotes forward_iterator_tag.
(2.4) — Otherwise, if OUTERC and INNERC each model derived_from<input_iterator_tag>, iterator_category denotes input_iterator_tag.
(2.5) — Otherwise, iterator_category denotes output_iterator_tag.
Modify [range.split.outer] as indicated:
[Drafting note: The previous wording change has been adjusted to follow the pattern used in [range.split.inner] p1.]
namespace std::ranges { template<class V, class Pattern> template<bool Const> struct split_view<V, Pattern>::outer_iterator { private: […] public: using iterator_concept = conditional_t<forward_range<Base>, forward_iterator_tag, input_iterator_tag>; using iterator_category = see belowinput_iterator_tag; […] }; […] }-?- The typedef-name iterator_category denotes:
(?.?) — input_iterator_tag if iterator_traits<iterator_t<Base>>::iterator_category models derived_from<input_iterator_tag>;
(?.?) — otherwise, iterator_traits<iterator_t<Base>>::iterator_category.
-1- Many of the following specifications refer to the notional member current of outer-iterator. current is equivalent to current_ if V models forward_range, and parent_->current_ otherwise.
[ 2021-05-18 Resolved by the adoption of P2259R1 at the February 2021 plenary. Status changed: New → Resolved. ]
[ 2020-02-13, Prague; Priority reduced to 2 after LWG discussion ]
[ 2020-02-10, Prague ]
The issue is out of sync with the current working draft, Daniel provides a synchronized merge.
[ 2019-11 Wednesday night Issue processing in Belfast ]
Much discussion; no consensus that this is a good approach. Need to coordinate between this and 3283
Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:This wording is relative to N4830.
Modify [iterator.traits] as indicated:
-4- Explicit or partial specializations of iterator_traits may have a member type iterator_concept that is used to indicate conformance to the iterator concepts ([iterator.concepts]). [Example: To indicate conformance to the input_iterator concept but a lack of conformance to the Cpp17InputIterator requirements ([input.iterators]), an iterator_traits specialization might have iterator_concept denote input_iterator_tag and iterator_category denote output_iterator_tag. — end example]
Modify [common.iter.types] as indicated:
-1- The nested typedef-names of the specialization of iterator_traits for common_iterator<I, S> are defined as follows.
(1.1) — iterator_concept denotes forward_iterator_tag if I models forward_iterator; otherwise it denotes input_iterator_tag.
(1.2) — iterator_category denotes forward_iterator_tag if iterator_traits<I>::iterator_category models derived_from<forward_iterator_tag>; otherwise it denotes
input_iterator_tagiterator_traits<I>::iterator_category.(1.3) — If the expression a.operator->() is well-formed, where a is an lvalue of type const common_iterator<I, S>, then pointer denotes the type of that expression. Otherwise, pointer denotes void.
Modify [range.filter.iterator] as indicated:
-3- iterator::iterator_category is defined as follows:
(3.1) — Let C denote the type iterator_traits<iterator_t<V>>::iterator_category.
(3.2) — If C models derived_from<bidirectional_iterator_tag>, then iterator_category denotes bidirectional_iterator_tag.
(3.3) — Otherwise, if C models derived_from<forward_iterator_tag>, then iterator_category denotes forward_iterator_tag.(3.4) — Otherwise, iterator_category denotes
input_iterator_tagC.Modify [range.join.iterator] as indicated:
-3- iterator::iterator_category is defined as follows:
(3.1) — Let OUTERC denote iterator_traits<iterator_t<Base>>::iterator_category, and let INNERC denote iterator_traits<iterator_t<range_reference_t<Base>>>::iterator_category.
(3.?) — If OUTERC does not model derived_from<input_iterator_tag>, iterator_category denotes OUTERC.
(3.?) — Otherwise, if INNERC does not model derived_from<input_iterator_tag>, iterator_category denotes INNERC.
(3.2) — Otherwise, i
If ref_is_glvalue is true,
(3.2.1) — If OUTERC and INNERC each model derived_from<bidirectional_iterator_tag>, iterator_category denotes bidirectional_iterator_tag.
(3.2.2) — Otherwise, if OUTERC and INNERC each model derived_from<forward_iterator_tag>, iterator_category denotes forward_iterator_tag.
(3.3) — Otherwise, iterator_category denotes input_iterator_tag.
Modify [range.split.outer] as indicated:
namespace std::ranges { template<class V, class Pattern> template<bool Const> struct split_view<V, Pattern>::outer_iterator { private: […] public: using iterator_concept = conditional_t<forward_range<Base>, forward_iterator_tag, input_iterator_tag>; using iterator_category = see belowinput_iterator_tag; […] }; […] }-?- The typedef-name iterator_category denotes input_iterator_tag if iterator_traits<iterator_t<Base>>::iterator_category models derived_from<input_iterator_tag>, and iterator_traits<iterator_t<Base>>::iterator_category otherwise.
-1- Many of the following specifications refer to the notional member current of outer_iterator. current is equivalent to current_ if V models forward_range, and parent_->current_ otherwise.Modify [range.split.inner] as indicated:
-1- The typedef-name iterator_category denotes forward_iterator_tag if iterator_traits<iterator_t<Base>>::iterator_category models derived_from<forward_iterator_tag>, and
input_iterator_tagiterator_traits<iterator_t<Base>>::iterator_category otherwise.
[ 2019-10-19 Issue Prioritization ]
Priority to 1 after reflector discussion.
The way to non-intrusively say that a type doesn't satisfy the C++17 iterator requirements is to specialize std::iterator_traits and not provide the nested typedefs. However, if a user were to do that, she would also be saying that the type is not a C++20 iterator. That is because readable and weakly_incrementable are specified in terms of iter_value_t<I> and iter_difference_t<I>. Those aliases check to see if std::iterator_traits<I> has been specialized (answer: yes), and if so resolve to std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type and std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type respectively.
The proper way to opt out of C++17 iterator-ness while opting in to C++20 iterator-ness would be to specialize std::iterator_traits and specify all the nested typedefs except ::iterator_category. That's a bit weird and may throw off code that is expecting all the typedefs to be there, or none of them, so instead we can suggest users to set the iterator_category typedef to denote output_iterator_tag, which is a harmless lie; generic C++17 code will get the message: this iterator is not a c++17 input iterator, which is the salient bit. We then must fix up all the places in the Ranges clause that make faulty assumptions about an iterator's iterator_category typedef (as distinct from the iterator concept that it models).History | |||
Date | User | Action | Args |
2021-05-18 09:43:39 | admin | set | messages: + msg11812 |
2021-05-18 09:43:39 | admin | set | status: new -> resolved |
2020-02-13 18:18:00 | admin | set | messages: + msg11076 |
2020-02-10 21:37:35 | admin | set | messages: + msg11037 |
2019-11-07 08:57:59 | admin | set | messages: + msg10791 |
2019-10-19 11:34:19 | admin | set | messages: + msg10702 |
2019-09-17 19:06:16 | admin | set | messages: + msg10649 |
2019-09-11 00:00:00 | admin | create |