allocate_shared should rebind allocator to cv-unqualified value_type for construction
Glen Joseph Fernandes

Created on 2017-08-06.00:00:00 last changed 46 months ago


Date: 2018-03-18.16:03:30

Proposed resolution:

This resolution is relative to N4687.

  1. Edit [util.smartptr.shared.create] as indicated:

    template<class T, ...>
    shared_ptr<T> make_shared(args);
    template<class T, class A, ...>
    shared_ptr<T> allocate_shared(const A& a, args);


    -7- Remarks:

    1. […]

    2. (7.5) — When a (sub)object of a non-array type U is specified to have an initial value of v, or U(l...), where l... is a list of constructor arguments, allocate_shared shall initialize this (sub)object via the expression

      1. (7.5.1) — allocator_traits<A2>::construct(a2, pv, v) or

      2. (7.5.2) — allocator_traits<A2>::construct(a2, pv, l...)

      respectively, where pv points to storage suitable to hold an object of type U and a2 of type A2 is a rebound copy of the allocator a passed to allocate_shared such that its value_type is remove_cv_t<U>.

    3. (7.6) — When a (sub)object of non-array type U is specified to have a default initial value, make_shared shall initialize this (sub)object via the expression ::new(pv) U(), where pv has type void* and points to storage suitable to hold an object of type U.

    4. (7.7) — When a (sub)object of non-array type U is specified to have a default initial value, allocate_shared shall initialize this (sub)object via the expression allocator_traits<A2>::construct(a2, pv), where pv points to storage suitable to hold an object of type U and a2 of type A2 is a rebound copy of the allocator a passed to allocate_shared such that its value_type is remove_cv_t<U>.

    5. […]

Date: 2018-03-17.00:00:00

[ 2018-3-17 Adopted in Jacksonville ]

Date: 2017-11-01.00:00:00

[ 2017-11-01 Moved to Tentatively Ready after 6 positive votes for P0 on c++std-lib. ]

Date: 2017-08-06.00:00:00

The remarks for the allocate_shared family of functions specify that when constructing a (sub)object of type U, it uses a rebound copy of the allocator a passed to allocate_shared such that its value_type is U. However U can be a const or volatile qualified type, and [allocator.requirements] specify that the value_type must be cv-unqualified.

Date User Action Args
2021-02-25 10:48:01adminsetstatus: wp -> c++20
2018-03-18 16:03:30adminsetmessages: + msg9737
2018-03-18 16:03:30adminsetstatus: voting -> wp
2018-02-12 01:13:49adminsetstatus: ready -> voting
2017-11-01 19:02:49adminsetmessages: + msg9496
2017-11-01 19:02:49adminsetstatus: new -> ready
2017-08-06 17:36:51adminsetmessages: + msg9440
2017-08-06 00:00:00admincreate