nullopt_t insufficiently constrained
Tim Song

Created on 2016-06-17.00:00:00 last changed 92 months ago


Date: 2016-08-01.18:34:48

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4606.

  1. Edit [optional.nullopt]/2 as indicated:

    [Drafting note: {} can do one of three things for a class type: it may be aggregate initialization, it may call a default constructor, or it may call an initializer-list constructor (see [dcl.init.list], [over.match.list]). The wording below forecloses all three possibilities. — end drafting note]

    -2- Type nullopt_t shall not have a default constructor or an initializer-list constructor. It shall not be an aggregate and shall be a literal type. Constant nullopt shall be initialized with an argument of literal type.

Date: 2016-08-06.21:31:18

[ 2016-08 Chicago ]

This is related to LWG 2510.

Monday PM: Ville to provide updated wording

Fri AM: Moved to Tentatively Ready

Date: 2016-07-03.20:17:41

[optional.nullopt]/2 requires of nullopt_t that

Type nullopt_t shall not have a default constructor. It shall be a literal type. Constant nullopt shall be initialized with an argument of literal type.

This does not appear sufficient to foreclose the following implementation:

struct nullopt_t 
  constexpr nullopt_t(const nullopt_t&) = default;

constexpr nullopt_t nullopt(nullopt_t{});
  • nullopt_t has no default constructor because it has a user-declared (copy) constructor;
  • nullopt_t has a trivial destructor, is an aggregate, and is a literal type;
  • nullopt has been initialized with an argument of literal type, to wit, nullopt_t.

But such a nullopt_t is still constructible from {} and so still makes opt = {} ambiguous.

Date User Action Args
2017-07-30 20:15:43adminsetstatus: wp -> c++17
2016-11-14 03:59:28adminsetstatus: pending -> wp
2016-11-14 03:55:22adminsetstatus: ready -> pending
2016-08-06 20:44:18adminsetstatus: new -> ready
2016-08-01 18:34:48adminsetmessages: + msg8278
2016-07-19 03:46:55adminsetmessages: + msg8244
2016-06-17 00:00:00admincreate