[filesys.ts] [PDTS] Unclear semantics of read_symlink on error

Created on 2014-01-20.00:00:00 last changed 91 months ago


Date: 2016-01-28.01:00:35

Proposed resolution:

Change 15.27 [fs.op.read_symlink]:

Returns:  If p resolves to a symbolic link, a path object containing the contents of that symbolic link. Otherwise path(). The signature with argument ec returns path() if an error occurs.

Throws: As specified in Error reporting. [Note: It is an error if p does not resolve to a symbolic link. — end note]

Date: 2014-02-13.00:00:00

[ 2014-02-13 LWG/SG-3 Issaquah: Proposed wording accepted. ]

Date: 2014-02-15.00:00:00

[ 2014-02-09, Beman Dawes provides wording ]

Date: 2016-01-31.20:31:05

Addresses: filesys.ts

Unclear semantics of read_symlink on error: 15.27 [fs.op.read_symlink] has: Returns: If p resolves to a symbolic link, a path object containing the contents of that symbolic link. Otherwise path(). and also [Note: It is an error if p does not resolve to a symbolic link. -- end note]

I do not believe path() can be a valid return for the overload not taking error_code.

Strike "Otherwise path()."

Date User Action Args
2017-07-30 20:10:41adminsetstatus: wp -> open
2016-01-28 01:00:35adminsetmessages: + msg7792
2016-01-28 01:00:35adminsetmessages: + msg7791
2016-01-28 01:00:35adminsetmessages: + msg7790
2014-01-20 00:00:00admincreate