[tiny] Const in expressions
Herb Sutter

Created on 2013-06-06.00:00:00 last changed 129 months ago


Date: 2014-07-01.21:57:43


#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
 const string{ "Hello" };                   // 1: error
 "xyzzy" + const string{"Hello"};           // 2: error
 typedef const string const_string;
 const_string{"Hello"};                     // 3: ok
 "xyzzy" + const_string{"Hello"};           // 4: ok
 unsigned long{0};                          // 5: error
 42ul + unsigned long{0};                   // 6: error

 typedef unsigned long unsigned_long;
 unsigned_long{0};                          // 7: ok
 42ul + unsigned_long{0};                   // 8: ok

Sutter says:

The issue is "lines 1 to 8 below should all work." That they don't is just because of the reason Nikolay pointed out using line 1 below as an example:

> The error is purely syntactic: 'const string' is not a simple-type-specifier

Richard Smith points out the following:

I can't comment on what was noticed in the abstract, but I was certainly aware of all the above cases. And the rules make sense to me: function-style casts are supposed to be function-style, and the above error cases doesn't look like a function call (and not just because you've put the paren next to the type in the function-call-like cases, and added an extra space in the other cases!).

I'm not sure exactly what rules you're proposing, but I hope we don't make this valid:

  struct A { int n; }; // ok, struct definition
  struct A { 0 }; // might now be an expression?

Regarding using a parenthesized type as a work-around, Sutter explained:

I think it needs to be an open EWG issue after all, because as Johannes pointed out the workaround doesn't work because it can't call multi-argument constructors, such as that

    (const vector<int>)( 1, 2  )
drops the 1 on the floor and creates a vector containing two zeroes. And that it doesn't work for list initializations, such as that
    (unsigned int){ 1, 2, 3, 4 }   // C compound literal(?!)
doesn't work.

Deemed post-C++14 material in Chicago 2013. A paper is needed.

Discussed in Rapperswil 2014. The consensus of EWG is that this is not a promising direction. The workaround is to add a typedef. Closing the issue as NAD.

Date User Action Args
2014-07-01 21:57:43adminsetstatus: open -> nad
2013-06-06 00:00:00admincreate