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[Accepted as a DR at the March, 2024 meeting.] [dcl.ref] paragraph 4 says:

A reference shall be initialized to refer to a valid object or function. [Note: in particular, a null reference cannot exist in a well-defined program, because the only way to create such a reference would be to bind it to the "object" obtained by dereferencing a null pointer, which causes undefined behavior ...]

What is a "valid" object? In particular the expression "valid object" seems to exclude uninitialized objects, but the response to Core Issue 363 clearly says that's not the intent. This is an example (overloading construction on constness of *this) by John Potter, which I think is supposed to be legal C++ though it binds references to objects that are not initialized yet:

 struct Fun {
    int x, y;
    Fun (int x, Fun const&) : x(x), y(42) { }
    Fun (int x, Fun&) : x(x), y(0) { }
  int main () {
    const Fun f1 (13, f1);
    Fun f2 (13, f2);
    cout << f1.y << " " << f2.y << "\n";

Suggested resolution: Changing the final part of [dcl.ref] paragraph 4 to:

A reference shall be initialized to refer to an object or function. From its point of declaration on (see 6.4.2 [basic.scope.pdecl]) its name is an lvalue which refers to that object or function. The reference may be initialized to refer to an uninitialized object but, in that case, it is usable in limited ways (6.7.4 [], paragraph 6) [Note: On the other hand, a declaration like this:
    int & ref = *(int*)0;
is ill-formed because ref will not refer to any object or function ]

I also think a "No diagnostic is required." would better be added (what about something like int& r = r; ?)