Proposed Resolution:
(As proposed by N1610 section 5, with editing.)
Change 8.5.3 [stmt.switch] paragraph 5, second bullet, first sub-bullet, second sub-sub-bullet as follows:
A temporary of type "cv1 T2" [sic] is created, and a constructor is called to copy the entire rvalue object into the temporaryvia copy-initialization from the entire rvalue object. The reference is bound to the temporary or to a sub-object within the temporary.
The text immediately following that is changed as follows:
The constructor that would be used to make the copy shall be callable whether or not the copy is actually done.The constructor and any conversion function that would be used in the initialization shall be callable whether or not the temporary is actually created.
Note, however, that the way the core working group is leaning on issue 391 (i.e., requiring direct binding) would make this change unnecessary.