Transferring control out of a function
8.8 [stmt.dcl]
Artem Koton

Created on 2024-12-20.00:00:00 last changed 1 month ago


Date: 2024-12-20.00:00:00

(From submission #656.)

Subclause 8.8 [stmt.dcl] paragraph 2 specifies:

... Upon each transfer of control (including sequential execution of statements) within a function from point P to point Q, all block variables with automatic storage duration that are active at P and not at Q are destroyed in the reverse order of their construction. ...; when a function returns, Q is after its body.

The phrasing "within a function" can be misread as not applying to transfers out of a function (e.g. execution of a return statement).

Possible resolution:

Change in 8.8 [stmt.dcl] paragraph 2 as follows:

A block variable with automatic storage duration ( [basic.stc.auto]) is active everywhere in the scope to which it belongs after its init-declarator . Upon each transfer of control (including sequential execution of statements) within or out of a function from point P to point Q, all block variables with automatic storage duration that are active at P and not at Q are destroyed in the reverse order of their construction. Then, all block variables with automatic storage duration that are active at Q but not at P are initialized in declaration order; unless all such variables have vacuous initialization (6.7.4 [basic.life]), the transfer of control shall not be a jump. [ Footnote: ...] When a declaration-statement is executed, P and Q are the points immediately before and after it; when a function returns, Q is after its body.
Date User Action Args
2025-02-02 20:39:17adminsetstatus: open -> review
2024-12-20 00:00:00admincreate