Completing a pointer to array of unknown bound
6.8.1 [basic.types.general]

Created on 2022-11-03.00:00:00 last changed 17 months ago


Date: 2022-11-07.21:59:05

Proposed resolution:

Change in 6.8.1 [basic.types.general] paragraph 6 as follows:

... [ Note: The type of a pointer or reference to array of unknown bound permanently points to or refers to an incomplete type. An array of unknown bound , or of a type defined named by a typedef declaration to be an array of unknown bound, permanently refers to an incomplete type. In either case, the array type cannot be completed. -- end note ]
Date: 2022-11-27.21:00:25
P2720R0 comment US 10-039

[Accepted as a DR at the November, 2022 meeting.]

Subclause 6.8.1 [basic.types.general] paragraph 6 specifies:

... The type of a pointer to array of unknown bound, or of a type defined by a typedef declaration to be an array of unknown bound, cannot be completed.

This is misleading; such a type is already complete.

Date User Action Args
2023-07-16 13:00:43adminsetstatus: open -> c++23
2023-07-16 13:00:43adminsetstatus: drwp -> open
2023-02-18 18:43:04adminsetstatus: dr -> drwp
2022-11-25 05:14:04adminsetstatus: nb -> dr
2022-11-08 07:04:42adminsetstatus: review -> nb
2022-11-08 07:04:42adminsetstatus: review -> review
2022-11-08 07:04:42adminsetstatus: review -> review
2022-11-08 07:04:42adminsetstatus: review -> review
2022-11-08 07:04:42adminsetstatus: review -> review
2022-11-08 07:04:42adminsetstatus: review -> review
2022-11-07 22:00:05adminsetstatus: open -> review
2022-11-07 22:00:05adminsetstatus: open -> open
2022-11-07 22:00:05adminsetstatus: open -> open
2022-11-07 22:00:05adminsetstatus: open -> open
2022-11-07 22:00:05adminsetstatus: open -> open
2022-11-07 22:00:05adminsetstatus: open -> open
2022-11-07 21:59:05adminsetmessages: + msg6969
2022-11-07 13:47:38adminsetstatus: nb -> open
2022-11-07 13:47:38adminsetstatus: nb -> nb
2022-11-07 13:47:38adminsetstatus: nb -> nb
2022-11-03 00:00:00admincreate